Beyond Zero with Dr. David Meyer

I2E # 87: Learn to Succeed by Visualizing Failure & from a Miraculous Comeback Story

Solo Episode with Host: Dr. David Meyer PT, DPT Season 1 Episode 87

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This solo episode builds off of the last episode # 86 taking the 6 core values for living and playing with IMPACT and putting them into an ordered and specific approach that allows us to build a process to achieve our high performance goals.

I am calling this approach "A 3 P Algorithm" for success.

Today's Acronym is "APPA"

  1. A = Awarness
  2. P = Purpose 
  3. P = Perspective
  4. P = Process
  5.  A = Action

I discuss where to start and how to key in on a process mentioning some interesting research on visualization by Dr. Emily Balcetis at the NYU SPAM Lab: Social Perception Action and Motivation Balcetis lab.

Article by Dr. Balcetis et al on "Keeping the Goal in Sight: Testing the Influence of Narrowed Visual Attention on Physical Activity"

In this episode I also share a clip from ITE Episode #32 with Daniel Bard

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